Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

1 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 5005
Author(s): Facchiano, Annamaria.
Title : Monachesimo femminile nel Mezzogiorno medievale e moderno [The monastic history of southern Italy is complex. Several orders were present, some of Greek background; and regions display differences between them. Lay patrons often reserved to themselves the right to name the abbess, and nuns even built themselves private houses within the enclosure. Reform of these houses might require importing a new abbess from elsewhere, as well as strict enforcement of monastic enclosure and proper care for the monastery's patrimony].
Source: Il monachesimo femminile in Italia dall' Alto Medioevo al secolo XVII a confronto con l' oggi.   Edited by Gabriella Zarri .   San Pietro in Cariano: Il Segno dei Gabrielli editori, 1997.  Pages 169 - 191.
Year of Publication: 1997.